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Computer language is a language used to commmunicate with a computer.Languages are used to develop the application packages or software.

Programming languages are designed in order to communicate with a machine so that the program can be develop to solve some problem and task that is more complex and only can be solve by a machine like operator.

Computer programes can be developed by the help of mainly three different languages – :

  • Machine level language
  • Assembly level language
  • High level language


Machine level language -:It is also called as machine code language and first generation language which is composed of digital binary numbers and hold very long sequence of zeros and ones.

Assembly level language -:It is also known as second generation language.It is considered as low level programming language because there’s a one-to-one relationship between what it tells the computer to do,and what the computer does.The operation performed by asembly language are very fast.

High level language -:It is the programming languages which are used to write a programe.C , C++ , JAVA , PHP,  FORTRAN etc are high level languages .Such languages are considered as high level because they are closer to human languages.It is much easier to write programs in high-level languages than in low-level languages.